We are a caring community passionate about connecting students with Jesus Christ. 

Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by inviting people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their relationship with God, and sending them to do the same on this campus and around the world. We are committed to the centrality of the Jesus, life changing community, the truth of God’s Word, the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s heart for all people, everywhere.

Changed Lives. 

When we truly experience the real life found in Christ, it’s like nothing else.  Jesus said in John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Our goal is to give everyone an opportunity to know Christ so that they can find that abundant life in Him!


Authentic Community.  

Cru exists within the context of the Christian community at U of M as a place for authentic, life-changing relationships with other students and with Jesus Christ.  We are here to provide real people with loving, Christ-centered community. Cru is a place where these relationships are formed, and where real life is found as we grow together, grow our faith and share that faith with others.


Our History.

Cru (the name of Campus Crusade for Christ in the U.S.) is an Interdenominational Christian movement committed to helping people know God in Jesus Christ, grow in their relationship with Him, and make an impact on our world for Christ with a presence on 3500 campuses across 180+ countries.

Cru was founded in 1951 and has existed on the U of M Campus since the late 1960s.  Over the last 40+ years, God has transformed countless lives through this ministry and continues to do so each year as we continue to trust in Him.


Our Beliefs.

Our full statement of faith can be found at the link below.